Weekly Inklings

April 18, 2023

Honolulu, HI

Today I made a cabbage salad…

I diced up a cabbage and shredded daikon, and mixed both together in a large bowl. I then showered it with salt and pepper, squeezed some lemon juice, and splashed some olive oil over everything. I mixed everything together, and let the flavors mellow while I toasted up some pepitas (silvered almonds would be yummy, too). Once toasted and cooled, I sprinkled over the salad, along with some fresh cilantro for garnish, because it makes the salad fancier, in my opinion. I then gave everything another mix and adjusted seasoning to my liking. I didn’t have any avocado or goat cheese on hand, but it would give the salad extra oomph.

I like to eat this salad with savory vegetable pancakes (I buy a frozen version from Nijiya Market, made by the Korean brand Shirakiku).