Chinese Restaurant

[1538 Kapiolani Blvd]


I consider myself incredibly fortunate that Kapiolani Seafood Restaurant, a Chinese eatery serving authentic dim sum and Cantonese dishes, opened its doors in Ala Moana in Fall 2022. If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I have a deep love for Chinese food, which means I have high expectations when it comes to quality and flavor.

This place, with its extensive and beautifully designed menu, truly hits the mark, evoking memories of tantalizing dishes I’ve experienced in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, New York, and London.

Just the other day, I decided to satisfy my cravings by dropping in for some delectable dim sum. I've been a loyal patron of our neighborhood favorite, Yung Yee Kee Dim Sum, for years, but I thought I'd give this new joint a shot.

My plan was simple: grab some shumai and be on my way. But, as is often the case, I couldn't resist ordering a few more dishes, especially from this new, mouthwatering menu. By the time the waiter came to take the order, I had decided to go with a feast.

Everything came out piping hot and freshly prepared. The delicious honey walnut shrimp had me wondering, how can something as simple as fried shrimp with mayo taste so damn good? The sweet and sour spareribs and Mongolian beef were equally impressive. And, naturally, I couldn't leave without trying an order of dumplings.

My ambition outweighed my appetite, and I found myself packing up most of my meal to enjoy as leftovers over the next few days. But who's complaining? I'm grateful to extend the experience and have delicious Chinese food to enjoy at home.

My decision to try a new restaurant certainly paid off! I've found myself dreaming of their dishes and am already debating how to best strategize my next order from their vast options. The one dish I will definitely try? Crispy, succulent Peking duck, of course. I am counting down the days until I can get back to Kapiolani Seafood Restaurant to try their version.

Peking duck on the menu at Kapiolani Seafood

Peking duck on the menu at Kapiolani Seafood Restaurant

Kapiolani Seafood Restaurant will definitely be added as a staple in my local restaurants repertoire. I'm eager to share this gem with family and friends, and hope you get a chance to check it out too!
